Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Need A Story Title...?

Ok so this may sound daft but for my english coursework we had to write a short story...

Basically mine is about a vampire that has no teeth. It is set at xmas and the vampire meets one of santa's elves that promises to give him some teeth in return for a bell to put on his hat. The vampire gives the elf a bell but the elf is bad and doesn't give him his teeth. The elf ends up getting fired and santa gives the vampire his teeth instead lol

I know it sounds pretty dumb but my teacher said the story is okay. Its just i need a title and i'm rele stuck...

Any ideas?

I Need A Story Title...?
how about one of these

A toothy affair

Dude i want my teeth

The Toothless Vampire

The Toothless Vampire and the Elf

The Elf and the Vampire
Reply:Santas little vampire

Santas Tooth-Bell
Reply:Its Red at Christmas
Reply:Toothless Vampire
Reply:Blood-Red Hats, and the Toothless Vamp
Reply:Safety Bells
Reply:all i want for christmas is my vampire teeth
Reply:A Promise
Reply:A Sucker for Santa
Reply:A vampires Bell


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