Sunday, October 11, 2009

How young is too young to bring a child to the dentist???

my daughter is going on 11 months. she already has 4 teeth, she has her two bottom front teeth, and instead of growing the two top front she is growing her fangs. ( she's a little vampire) haha... but her teeth are fully in. the doctor told me as soon as her teeth start growing in that i shold schedule her an appointment at the dentist... i guess so they can check her teeth to see if they are growing properly. i called around and all the dentist's offices that i called said that she was too young... ok??? why would the doctor tell me to start making her appointments if she is too young? can someone help me out here? how old were your kids when you first took them to the dentist?

How young is too young to bring a child to the dentist???
Dentist don't remind you when or tell you when for them it's best when she turn 1 or 2 (when they have all their teeth), you absolutely take your kid now that she has teeth, because with all tha food and bacteria it causes cavaties and you don't want him/her with cavities such a young age.

If your dentist reccomends to wait, theirs baby tooth paste you should clean it your self because also bad odor is going to be happening.

Take Care =)
Reply:Have you tried calling only children's dentist? There's got to be one that will take your daughter. I just read an article in Parent's that says you should take them to the dentist when they turn one. I took my daughter when she was two but that was a year and a half ago, and I wish I would've taken her sooner.
Reply:Our pediatrician told us to wait until our son would be able to sit in the exam chair. We are planning on taking him for his first visit when he is two.

Until then we just make sure to brush his teeth twice a day and watch his sugar intake :) I am starting to think about flossing his teeth as well...because the spaces between his teeth are started to close, I'm sure it will be quite a struggle lol

If you have a dental concern you want addressed, you can always look for a pediatric dentists in your area. They might be willing to examine a younger child than a regular dentist would.
Reply:You can take your daughter to the dentist when you go for a check up to get her used to the surroundings and just mention to the dentist while your there your concerns and if he could just take a look at your daughters teeth. Worked with my dentist and my son has a no problems visiting the dentist now he is four. Don't forget they are only milk teeth and do fall out its the next set you should really worry about.
Reply:A doctor does not a dentist make. I took my son when he was a year old. So although it seems silly that the dentist won't see him at eleven months, I would just wait the one more month to call the dentist and schedule appointment that is if she's not having any problems.


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