Friday, October 23, 2009

Logical question about vampirism as a mental and psihical disease !?

Do you think vampires exist, not the Hollywood s--t, i mean people who dislike sun lights, like loneliness, drink blood for their survival(there is a blood disease that makes u need blood from now and then), that are much more artistic than others ? .. No poser, white powder face, false teeth, leather dumb costumes, and transforming into bats s**t, wiccans etc please :)... and especially no devil worshippers(yeah the devil don't exist live with it)!

Logical question about vampirism as a mental and psihical disease !?
Well, there is a theory that certain medical conditions started the vampire myth.

The first is porphyria, which is a genetic condition. The symptons of porphyria include anemia (a lack of red blood cells), photosensitivity (skin is easily burned by direct sunlight, so the person would want to stay out of the sun), gastro-intestinal problems, neurological problems, and skin losing pigmentation. A treatment for porphyria is to give the person blood transfusions. This is the same disease that King George III had. In the past, before sophisticated medical knowledge, the a person with porphyria may have looked a lot like a vampire.

Other conditions, such as tuberculosis, could have been the basis of the vampire myth. Tuberculosis causes a slow wasting away, in which the sufferer becomes weaker and weaker, and is also contagious. Sounds a lot like what a vampire's victim goes through, doesn't it?

Any kind of mental disorder could have been mistaken for vampirism. In the past, mental disorder were explained as demonic possession, being a witch, being a werewolf, etc. Probably, some mentally ill people in the past claimed to be vampires. They may even have attacked or killed other people and drank their blood while operating under that belief.

There are modern day individuals, who call themselves vampires. These are not the vampires of legends, undead corpses who rise from the dead. These are people who are fascinated with the vampire mythos, and dress and act like a vampire out of a gothic novel. Some of this subculture also drink blood. I am not part of this subculture, but my understanding of it is, the blood drinking has sexual or spiritual overtones, and is conducted between two consenting adults. I also understand, as it comes to blood-born illnesses, that there are both responsible and irresponsible individuals in this subculture, and that the responsible individuals only drink blood from certain individuals and have themselves regularly tested for AIDS and hepatitis.

To each their own, as long as it is safe.
Reply:Good show sparky!! Did you google--or have you just known about for some time, like me? I actually did my thesis on the Vampire myth. But, saw this question too late. Report It

Reply:interesting..was useful for my project on vampires thnx Report It

Reply:interesting..was useful for my project on vampires Report It

Reply:I think there are elements of truth in the vampire myth. I think some people do have skin conditions which cause them to avoid sunlight, and some people do enjoy drinking blood. I don't believe anyone can survive just on blood, though. Your stomach isn't made to do that, and also I imagine you would probably get sick alot since you're taking in all the viruses and infections others have.

Vampires are symbolic of being a loner and an outsider; of being strong and mysterious. I think these qualities are what make them so attractive to teenagers, women, and romantic men.
Reply:I knew a woman in England who claimed she was a vampire. She was sensitive to light %26amp; had a butcher friend that hooked her up w/ blood when she needed it. She claimed to need to drink blood daily to feel normal. She was also diagnosed bipolar. She was quite artistic. I don't know if she was a bona fide vampire, but she sure believed she was!
Reply:There is a disease where people do need blood to survive, but there is a pill they can take so they don't go around eating everyone and sucking their blood. I'm not sure if they are ALL artistic, but I'm sure some of them are. However I think vampires are so sexy! I would totally let a hot vampire guy suck on my neck, as long as he just sucked a little every now and then.
Reply:You mean night owls? By the way--the DEVIL does exist. Blood drinkers are called radikas, and there is medical proof that drinking blood frequently causes blood borne diseases--you are not immune to diseases like AIDS if you drink blood, and the stomache can only process small amounts of blood at any given time.

Good luck and prosper...;*!*;...
Reply:Yes I belive in vampires I have a close friend who is one he drinks blood and hates the light but it doesn't hurt him, I'm not sure why he thinks he is one but he does, there are physical diseases that make a person have similar symptoms to that of a vampire such as poriphyra. I am a christian and the devil is real and its a sin to drink blood but who doesn't sin?
Reply:Yes, they exist. The only thing is that you have to CHOSE to drink blood as food, and these people may have nutritional problems, as bloods does not contain enough nutrients(Ironically). What this people might do is either chose a complementary diet, or drink large quantities of blood, urinating more so as to allow for the stomach distension.

As to the other parts, I dislike sun light, and sometimes even get a rash when I receive too much. I have known several people this way, apparently it is indeed a type of disease. As to loneliness, many persons want it. These persons are,truly, great artists.
Reply:yeah, idiots i mean vampires
Reply:It is believed that the vampire myth was started in part by a genetic disorder called etythropoietic prototporphyria. This was a disease common in noble children, due to inbreeding.

It causes the skin to crack when exposed to sunlight, receding upper lip, redness in the skin, eyes, and teeth. Doctors at the time would lock the children away from sunlight and had them drink blood to replenish what they lost. "the disorder makes the body produce too much porphyrin-a substance basic to red blood cells."
Reply:Yes, you can even find histories on them. I mean like true history books.
Reply:I have a friend who is very sensitive to the sun. she's dark skinned but needs to cover up if she wants to go out on anything but a dull light, during the day. so she lives at night when she can.

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