Friday, October 23, 2009

What is happening to me?

This is literal, I dont want silly answers...I think im turning into a vampire, I constantly have...*cough* dreams...I want to drink blood, My friends leg was bleeding and she dared me to lick it and i did and it tasted good. I never sleep,ever and when i go out into the sun my skin burns and deteriorates...I dont know what to do...Im crying, very scared. My teeth hurt.

What is happening to me?
I suggest you go and see your doctor.
Reply:Go see a doctor and tell thim this SAME EXACTstory, i'm sure they have a solution to help you out... or you can pray.
Reply:go to the doctor sweetie!!!!!

Reply:I think you may be low on B12. Take some multivitamins.
Reply:I think you need to wake up to reality and go to the doctor to get that checked out. Vampires are only in the movies so no i dont think your turning into a vampire...sometimes when you think something is happening your mind plays tricks with you, like you thinking blood taste good, so you'll automatically think that it's true.
Reply:Been watching any vampire movies, hearing about it on TV, odds are its in your head. Do you watch House? Well, a couple weeks ago, ONE man on a plane became sick, and soon half the plane began to show symptoms of a deadly disease. It turns out it was all in their heads, their brain was making them think they had caught the diease too. You need to convince yourself you're not a vampire, or go to your doctor.
Reply:I agree, talk to someone about how you are feeling, also, wouldn't hurt to have your blood checked, perhaps the need for blood tasting could be a lack of iron. Good luck.
Reply:see a doctor. or a psychologist. really.

oh!....and watch out for the bible bashing cross bearers....we don't want you to turn to ash now.
Reply:Your blood is probably low in iron. Try eating extra beef and fish. If that doesn't work, then go to a therapist--they can help you work this out.
Reply:I don't think you're becoming a vampire. But this is a bit unusual. Are you on any medications? Some meds make people much more sensitive to sunlight. Your teeth hurt, and you crave blood...I wonder if your body is trying to tell you that you desperately need certain things added to your diet. Do you eat a healthy, balanced diet? This could be physical, or emotional. Is there anything that's really bothering you right now? Even if it doesn't seem related, deep psychological issues can cause odd symptoms. Yes, you have to go to the doctor. And you have have to tell him/her all the symptoms: craving blood, sudden sensitivity to the sun, hurting teeth, sleep problems, etc. However, my advice is DO NOT mention anything about vampires. If you do, your doctor will probably immediately dismiss your symptoms as mental without properly eliminating physical possibilities first. Of course, be open to the possibility that you do have something psychological that needs to be dealt with. And please, do not lick anyone else's blood again! That could be very dangerous to your health. (Among other things.)
Reply:Hon, I personally think that that is a ridiculous thought I mean really do u actually think Vampires are real. Wake Up!!!!

girls myspace

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