Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vampires, do you think they are real?

I am 13 years old and I saw the movie underworld 1 %26amp; 2. I think the vampires there are SO COOL. They almost make me want to be a vampire. Selene (played by Kate Beckinsale) Was the vampire that you almost want to be friends with. I want to know what YOU think about them. Do they come as a FEAR to you? If they where real would you like to BE one? Would you like to be a WEARWOLF? Think about these QUESTIONS carefuly. Really think about it. Do you like the taste of BLOOD? Would you like to HUNT your own kind? Do vampires even EXSIST? FIGHT, FEAR, HISTORY, BLOOD, RUN, JUMP, SAVE, HUNT, SAVE, HERO, SHARP, TEETH. What do these words really mean to you. Would you like to have the EVIL eye. THINK REAL HARD. ANSWER HONEST. I WANT TO KNOW WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT WHAT WE MIGHT BECOME IN A HUNDRED YEARS. ANSWER WISLY!!!!

Vampires, do you think they are real?
It's impossible to be a vampire. The average human body cannot ingest more than a pint of blood without become incredibly nauseas from the high amount of iron (Fe) in hemoglobin, the pigment that carries iron in your blood cells.
Reply:I do not think that vampires are real.
Reply:my brothe is onwe... wat a jerk... i hate them.
Reply:It's normal to enjoy the variety that the dark side brings... and it is also normal to enjoy the return of light, when all the shadows are exposed for what they are... mere shadows.
Reply:no vampires arent real.
Reply:no they are not real

but their are people at some night clubs that drink blood

but they don't live forever of any thing and sun light doesn;t kill them
Reply:yeah they are
Reply:Of course the idea of living forever by feeding of the blood of others appeals to you....your a teen. That's what you do...ask your parents. Then one day the realization that you will not live forever and you should of done what your parents told you sets in and you feel like crap. There are no vampires, life is short and could be sweet if you let go of your juvenile ideas and get on with it.
Reply:Vampires are real, but Hollywood has overplayed what (and who) they are. Vampires do not drink blood, but they do suck the life force (ki if you will) out of others. Have you ever known someone who made you tired to be around for more than a little while? They were a vampire. They tend to be hyperkenetic (from the excess energy) and not at all the sort of person you would suspect. Most vampires don't know what they're doing, but some have developed the ability. It isn't hard to protect yourself against the ones who don't know what they're doing, but the ones that have power can be dangerous.

As far as werewolves go, there are people who draw signifigant power and strength from the moon. As with vampires, lycanthropes don't always know why they feel edgy around the time of the full moon. If you ask any police officer, or EMT they'll tell you that full moons are the worst times, violence goes up, accidents go up and one could lay most of the issues at the feet of people who are unaware of what's happening to them.
Reply:they are only fantasy
Reply:vampires are real, at least in the imortal sense.... and tranditional sense... thought there are loser wanna bes that drink blood and others similar...a dn there are others who think they ar for real, and are really dangerous, but they arent really vampires.. they just want to be one.... and werewolves dont exsist either... though there are people who believe they are and are just as dangerous as if they were the mythical werewolf... they have a name for it too... mental illness..... there are no such things... no matter how cool they are and how badly you want to be one...
Reply:I just saw the second movie today on HBO I LOVED IT! I didn't know there was a #1 until it started. then I knew there had to be one. I'm going out tomorrow and get both of them on DVD.

I think we could morph in to vampires with a little care. But it would only be in terms of the soul.

girls myspace

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