i know there is a way to do it but im not sure how, i bought the fangs that you like glue in with the heat set plastic and you mold it onto your tooth so it stays in, can someone give me accurate instructions or a link to them?
How do i make the mold for vampire fangs?
You want to use the plastic beads the fangs come with for lots of reasons. The main reasons is that the beads, when melted, create a mold of your upper pallet, making the fangs fit much better. Gum or adhesive for dentures won't do that, so won't keep the fangs in very long.
First of all, get some very hot water, not just tap water. I recommend microwaving some water in a coffee cup, getting it good at hot. When it's hot, dump the beads into the water, and stir them around with a spoon (use a plastic spoon or knife or fork, because the plastic might stick to metal utensils and be hard to remove - or, better, use a wooden skewer, like a bamboo skewer). While mixing it, you want to merge the beads into one clearish piece of plastic.
Now, carefully get the glob of plastic out of the cup. Remember, the water is hot, so be very careful! Take the plastic and sort of roll it around in your hands, making the glob into a ball. Then, divide the ball into two and repeat. Keep your hot water handy, just incase the ball cools off too quick. If it becomes hard to work with because it's too cool, dunk it back into the water for a few seconds to remelt it.
You should now have two balls of plastic. Take one, and roll it between your thumb and forefingers, like you were making a snake out of clay. Don't make it too long, only and inch or so, and try to keep it an even thickness, with just slightly thinner at one end.
Now, grab a cup of ice water, and sit yourself, your fangs, and your plastic in front of a mirror. Put the slightly thinner end of the plastic snake into the back of the fang (the one that will go on the inside of your mouth). Then place the fang on your tooth, using the mirror to make it look just like you want it to look.
Once you've placed it correctly, press the plastic (which will be sticking out of the back of the fang, and should be behind your tooth) into the top of your mouth. Don't press it too thin, but thin enough it won't get in your way. Now, hold it there for a few minutes letting the plastic cool and set. After you've held it there for a few minutes, carefully take the fang/plastic as one unit out of your mouth and dunk it in the ice water. Keep it there while you do the other fang.
Mold the other fang in the exact same way. If the plastic at any time becomes too cool to work with (aka isn't molding or pliable), put it back into the hot water for a few seconds. This will help the plastic melt a little more and mold better.
After you've cooled both fangs in the ice water for a few minutes, they should be pretty well set. The heat of your mouth shouldn't be enough to cause the plastic to melt much, if any - it takes very hot water for that. With both fangs cooled, try them on. Look in the mirror and make sure they are both angled the same way, AND that they are both basically level with each other. If they aren't, remold them by dipping JUST the plastic into the hot water long enough to make them adjustable. After any of these refittings, make sure to keep them in your mouth for several minutes, and then in the cold water for several minutes so the plastic will completely cool.
These fangs are great fun, and once properly fitted, should provide you with several hours of wear with out any problem. Take them out before you eat and before you drink hot beverages (as it might cause the plastic to melt again). If you find they are getting loose, do a refitting on them by dunking them in hot water, placing them in your mouth, letting them set, then dunking them in cool water.
This heat-set plastic isn't glue, so it's intended for more than one use. I'll give you a BIG warning against the kind you use adhesive to hold in - the adhesive doesn't work well. It becomes loose and comes out very easily. And about the gum, you DO NOT want to use gum, because it won't hold in place (as it never cools down like the plastic does) so you'll constantly be readjusting your fangs the entire time you're wearing them.
Enjoy your fangs and Happy Halloween!
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