Thursday, March 11, 2010

If someone without any teeth was turned into a vampire....?

Would that person get fangs? Or would they be fangless?

If someone without any teeth was turned into a vampire....?
It really depends... Vampire stories change from author to author. In stories like "Dracula" or "Forever Knight" the vampire tends to regenerate or even shift shape, so he should have his teeth regrow.

Other stories, weaker strains of vampirism would not restore their teeth.

In a story I was writing, the fangs were just formed from psychic power-- psychic weapons. So yeah, in vampire form, the vampire would have teeth, and claws.

Specifically RE: Buffy Angel: you would not get teeth, as you might in some-- but the "demon form" would get fangs. Actually, it might be a bonus: you look like a helpless old drunk one moment, and a rampaging vampire the next. Awesome!

What I want to know, is if you wear dentures-- what happens when the fangs sprout?
Reply:Fangs or Fangtures (fangs + dentures)
Reply:I think they would have to get fangs or they wouldn't qualify as a 'vampire'.
Reply:He'd have to go on vampire disability.
Reply:sad imagination!
Reply:he or she would just have to carry a knife to slit their victims throats %26amp; drink from the spewing blood!
Reply:They would suck you to death.
Reply:lets just hope they had a few girlfriends who had their periods at different times of the month.
Reply:They'd have to see a vampire dentist and get an upper denture with false fangs so they could blend in at the vampire parties.
Reply:I think they be forced to feed off of "Gummie" Bears?
Reply:They would gum the person's neck!
Reply:They would have to use mortal ways, such as knives, to get blood.
Reply:Well, it's a fangless job but it's got to be done.

I couldn't come up with a better joke than that--some of the other answers are way funnier and I wish I had thought of them.

Maybe they'd have to resort to the "Renfield" role of eating bugs. Dwight Frye's perfomance in that Bela Lugosi movie was way over the top, I loved it. "Flies? I don't eat flies! Not when I can get nice fat juicy spiders! Heh heh heh."
Reply:When you turn into a Vampire you become immortal so everything becomes transformed you become a vampire teeth and all.
Reply:That is an interesting one. . . I don't really know. . .

I really can't give you an answer. . .

Damn good question!

city opera

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